
Pure conjecture, expression, and truth-seeking where there is none.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Just as aspects of physical wellbeing can affect psychological wellbeing and vice versa, so too can aspects of spiritual wellbeing have this type of relationship with both immunological systems so long as one is aware of their higher self, or non-self as such. Awareness of such a pattern opens the possibility for someone, who before may have not been in a conscious mindset that was ready for spiritual/religiosity, to have reason for “soul searching.” There many paths, but they are really all one. Ultimately it leads to nothing - and everything.

Science has proven that how we physically and mentally condition our reality is ingrained into our brains in neurological networks of very small connections – always adapting and changing according to our understanding of reality. Not only that, theories suggest this might be why it is hard to physically and mentally break habits. However, infinity awaits one who opens their mind and body to a limitless spiritual path including change in how people understand physical and psychological wellbeing.

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