
Pure conjecture, expression, and truth-seeking where there is none.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

When facing a current one must move with it. We are but waves in an ocean of possibilities being swept around by currents of consciousness. As a humble part of a bigger ocean, the smallest ripple has the potential to produce a tsunami. As a unified body of water, the treasures of the sea lie under the surface of each and every wave. Away with your anchors!

Enlightenment, then, is neither the shore to be sought, nor a treasure to be found. Instead, is the drifting struggle of the ever-undulating wave. It is the constant journey with the conscious currents and lighthouses of truth marking the shorelines of reality with splashing walls and piles of existential foam. It is the gentle wax and wane of each tide dancing with the moon. It is the beginningless, endless hydrological cycle of constant renewal that takes place on every level of our immediate environment. It is the mystical structural properties of every molecule of water necessary for all life.

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