
Pure conjecture, expression, and truth-seeking where there is none.

Monday, May 7, 2007

By accepting and detaching from all that is impermanent,
One may exist more comfortably as that which is infinite:
A single transformation of energy.


Anonymous said...

Isn't everything impermanent? Even nature is impermanent, it just last longer than humans do. So does that mean we detach ourselves from the world??

John said...

Of course every “thing" is impermanent. However, if you can swallow the idea of "no-thing" you can swallow the idea of infinity. Digesting the two may be detrimental to your health, but will benefit your life greatly if you survive it. Like everything else that is digested, it’s best not to become too attached to these ideas either. I hardly meant to embrace anti-social behavior or eremitism, though I do recommend the latter... I only meant not to be attached by desires (causing suffering) or to concepts (causing judgment).